The CPG Guys speak with Kathy Slowinski & Erik Andrejko from Helio, the first data platform of its kind to capture data from every consumer touchpoint and consolidate it into one universal solution to help anyone looking to invest, innovate, or grow in the consumer ecosystem identify emerging opportunities.
Follow Kathy Slowinski on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kslowinski/
Follow Erik Andrejko on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erik-andrejko-0900a51b/
Follow Helio on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/company/circleup/
Follow Helio online at: https://heliodata.com/
Kathy & Erik answer these questions:
1) Share a bit on your backgrounds and your respective journey's in the CPG industry. I’ll start with Erik and then pass to Kathy.
2) Erik, I love a good origin story! Tell us about how Helio originated and the problems it was designed to solve for?
3) Kathy, How have Helio's capabilities evolved and been applied as the software has been commercialized?
4) Kathy, Can you give a few examples of customers you've engaged with? What are some of the use cases for Helio?
5) Erik, What makes Helio different than existing solutions? How is it that you are able to capture so much data on emerging brands, trends and products? How is it that you are able to harmonize all of that to those types of insights?
6) Kathy, Going back to the customers you've engaged with, what are the results / outcomes Helio has been part of driving?
7) Kathy, What's in store for the future of Helio?
8) Erik then Kathy, What hot takes / contrarian opinions / thoughts do you have about this space and/or how it will evolve over the next 2+ years?
CPG Guys Website: http://CPGguys.com
FMCG Guys Website: http://FMCGguys.com
CPG Scoop Website: http://CPGscoop.com
RetailWit Website: http://retailwit.com
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